Academic Article RDF
pages:- Lebendige Kooperation: Das Hannoversche Online-Bibliothekssystem (HOBSY)
- Lectin inhibition assays for the analysis of bioactive milk sialoglycoconjugates
- LED-based fibre-optic sensor for measurement of surface roughness
- LeibnizOpen – das Portal für Open-Access-Publikationen der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft
- Leitfaden zu Open Educational Resources für Bibliotheken und Informationseinrichtungen
- Lernort Bibliothek in Pandemie-Zeiten
- Lernort Öffentliche Bibliothek und Open Eductional Resources (OER) – Zusammenbringen, was zusammen gehört
Lessons learned from
ORCID DE —A project‐driven initiative to promote author identification in Germany - Levels and building blocks—toward a domain granularity framework for the life sciences
- Li Ion Diffusion in Nanocrystalline and Nanoglassy LiAlSi2O6 and LiBO2 - Structure-Dynamics Relations in Two Glass Forming Compounds
- Liebe Leserinnen und Leser!
- Linked Data in Business
- Linked Heritage - ein europäisches Projekt
- Linked Open Data - Introduction to the Special Theme
- Linked SDMX Data
- LinkedGeoData: A core for a web of spatial open data
- LinkedGeoData: A core for a web of spatial open data
- Linking Use Cases and Associated Requirements: On the Impact of Linking Variants on Reading Behavior
- Literaturauswahl und -bestellung leichter gemacht!
- LITMUS: An Open Extensible Framework for Benchmarking RDF Data Management Solutions
- Local Journals and Misleading Metrics: a Quantitative Analysis of Publication Activity of LIS Postgraduate Students in Ukraine
- Long-Term Incremental Web-Supervised Learning of Visual Concepts via Random Savannas
- Luzzu - A Methodology and Framework for Linked Data Quality Assessment
- Luzzu Quality Metric Language - A DSL for Linked Data Quality Assessment
- Maschinelle Erschließung von Forschungsdaten in Bibliotheken und Forschungsdatenzentren - Stand und Perspektiven
- Massive stars reveal variations of the stellar initial mass function in the Milky Way stellar clusters
- Meta-analyses from a collaborative project in mobile lifelong learning
- Metadaten für Open Educational Resources (OER). Eine Handreichung für die öffentliche Hand, erstellt von der Technischen Informationsbibliothek (TIB)
- Microfluidic encoding: Generation of arbitrary droplet sequences by electrical switching in microchannels
- Mid infrared emission of quantum wire cascade structures