Academic Article RDF
pages:- Nano-patterning of solid substrates by adsorbed dendrimers
- Nanoscopic Dynamics Dictate the Phase Separation Behavior of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins
- Nanoscopic hydrophilic/hydrophilic phase-separation well below the LCST of polyphosphoesters
- Narrativer Informationszugriff interdisziplinär
- Natural variability or anthropogenically-induced variation? Insights from 15 years of multidisciplinary observations at the arctic marine LTER site HAUSGARTEN
- nestor endorsement of TRUST Principles
- Neue Aufgaben für wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken: Das Beispiel Open Science Lab
- Neue Marktkonzentration? Eine Analyse der Open-Access-Kosten in Deutschland
- New insights into polychaete phylogeny (Annelida) inferred from 18S rDNA sequences
- NFDI4Chem - Fachkonsortium für die Chemie
- NFDI4Chem – Infrastruktur für den digitalen Wandel in der Chemischen Forschung
- NFDI4Culture - Consortium for research data on material and immaterial cultural heritage
- No one is perfect: Analysing the performance of question answering components over the DBpedia knowledge graph
- NOA: Ein Forschungsprojekt trifft Wikimedia
- Non-linearity and dynamics of low-voltage electrowetting and dewetting
- Not Ready for Convergence in Data Infrastructures
- One-step affinity purification of fetuin from fetal bovine serum.
- Ontologies4Chem: the landscape of ontologies in chemistry
- Ontology-based Integration of Web Navigation for Dynamic User Profiling
- Ontology-based mobile learning and knowledge testing
- Ontology-Based Representation for Accessible OpenCourseWare Systems
- OntoWiki - An authoring, publication and visualization interface for the Data Web
- Open Access - Was sagen die Bibliotheken?
- Open access in Ukraine: Characteristics and evolution from 2012 to 2021
- Open Access Principles Implementation in Ukraine: Current State and Future Perspectives
- Open Educational Resources with Ukraine
- Open science practices in higher education: Discussion of survey results from research and teaching staff in Germany
- Open Science und die Bibliothek – Aktionsfelder und Berufsbild
- Open-Access-Transformation in Brandenburg - eine partizipativ erarbeitete Strategie geht in die Implementierungsphase
- Open-Access-Zeitschriften: Schluss mit Paywalls