Academic Article RDF
pages:- So lange dauert es nicht, Dieter Schumacher Mitteilung zum Pseudonymansatz von Herrn Römpp
- SOCCOMAS: a FAIR web content management system that uses knowledge graphs and that is based on semantic programming
- SOCCOMAS: A Self-Describing and Content-Independent Application for Semantic Ontology-Controlled Web-Content-Management-Systems
- Spatio-structural granularity of biological material entities
- Status and Developments of eLearning in the EU10 Member States: the cases of Estonia, Hungary and Slovenia
- Structure and mass segregation in Galactic stellar clusters
- Strukturdatenerfassung in den Zentralen Fachbibliotheken – Nutzerbedürfnisse und Effizienz
- Summertime plankton ecology in Fram Strait—a compilation of long- and short-term observations
- Support of Open Science in Technische Informationsbibliothek — TIB
- Survey vs Scraped Data: Comparing Time Series Properties of Web and Survey Vacancy Data
- Synchronization of passes in event and spatiotemporal soccer data
- Tagungsbericht VIVO-Workshop 2017 - “Forschungsinformationen in der Praxis”
- Targeting precision: A hybrid scientific relation extraction pipeline for improved scholarly knowledge organization
- Taylor-Couette flow with time modulated inner cylinder velocity
- Teaching Information Literacy with the Lerninformationssystem
- Technische Informationsbibliothek - Dienstleistungen der digitalen Bibliothek (russischsprachig)
- Teilen in der Hochschullehre - neue Normalität? Potential & Herausforderungen für Bildung, Lehre & Bibliotheken
- Temperature responsive poly(phosphonate) copolymers: from single chains to macroscopic coacervates
- Ten considerations for open peer review
- Terminologies in RDM for Engineering – a Service Approach
- Terminology Supported Archiving and Publication of Environmental Science Data in PANGAEA
- Testing and weighting characters
- Testing miniaturized electrodes for impedance measurements within the β-dispersion – a practical approach
- Text Classification for Organizational Researchers
- Text Mining in Organizational Research
- Text und Data Mining für Forschungszwecke und Bibliotheken – KI in und durch Bibliotheken
- Text und Data Mining Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten für Bibliotheken
- TfAP-2 is required for night sleep in Drosophila
- The Baltic and North Seas Climatology (BNSC)—A Comprehensive, Observation-Based Data Product of Atmospheric and Hydrographic Parameters
- The Digital Archive of Artists’ Publishing (DAAP): An email conversation with Ami Clarke and Lozana Rossenova