Academic Article RDF
pages:- Implications of a No-Deal Brexit for European Research
- Improving Access to Scientific Literature with Knowledge Graphs
- Improving Early Prognosis of Dementia Using Machine Learning Methods
- Improving guidelines for video abstracts: An analysis of the most popular videos abstracts in the TIB AV Portal
- Improving the User Experience with Audiovisual Content: The Project “Europeana Media”
- Increasing Awareness of Researcher Mental Health
- Increasing the visibility of LGBTQ+ researchers in STEM
- Information extraction pipelines for knowledge graphs
- Information supply beyond text: non‐textual information at the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) – challenges and planning
- Informationsvermittlung: Personalisiertes Lernen in der Bibliothek: das Düsseldorfer Online-Tutorial (DOT) Informationskompetenz
- Infrastrukturen für OER in der Hochschullehre & die Kultur des Teilens
- INSPIRE: A European training network to foster research and training in cardiovascular safety pharmacology
- Integrating data and analysis technologies within leading environmental research infrastructures: Challenges and approaches
- Integrating data from distributed sources via lookup services
- Integrating Knowledge Graphs with Symbolic AI: The Path to Interpretable Hybrid AI Systems in Medicine
- Interannual and Multidecadal Changes of Wind Speed and Directions over the North Sea from Climate Model Results
- Interest-based RDF Update Propagation
- Internal reflection ellipsometry for real-time monitoring of polyelectrolyte multilayer growth onto tantalum pentoxide
- Internationalization of Linked Data: The case of the Greek DBpedia edition
- Interoperabilität - ohne PIDs kaum möglich
- Interoperabilität von Metadaten innerhalb der NFDI
- InterpretME: A tool for interpretations of machine learning models over knowledge graphs
- Interview with Frank van Harmelen on "Linked Data and Business Information Systems"
- Interview über die Ergebnisse des Workshops der ehemaligen Kommission für Management und betriebliche Steuerung des VDB zum Thema „Bibliotheken auf dem Holzweg? - Unsere Kernkompetenzen und die Konsequenzen".
- Invertebrate neurophylogeny: suggested terms and definitions for a neuroanatomical glossary
- IOTA: Interlinking of Heterogeneous Multilingual Open Fiscal DaTA
- KG-EmpiRE: A Community-Maintainable Knowledge Graph of Empirical Research in Requirements Engineering
- KI-Methoden verbessern Gesundheitsversorgung
- Klimawandelbedingte Änderungen in Atmosphäre und Hydrosphäre: Schlussbericht des Schwerpunktthemas Szenarienbildung (SP-101) im Themenfeld 1 des BMVI-Expertennetzwerks
- Klimawirkungsanalyse des Bundesverkehrssystems im Kontext Hochwasser: Schlussbericht des Schwerpunktthemas Hochwassergefahren (SP-103) im Themenfeld 1 des BMVI-Expertennetz-werks