selected publications
academic article
- Use of the Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) for the Description of Metadata According to the ATMODAT Standard 2022
- Global Community Guidelines for Documenting, Sharing, and Reusing Quality Information of Individual Digital Datasets. Data Science Journal. 21. 2022
- Publication of Atmospheric Model Data using the ATMODAT Standard. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 31:493-504. 2022
- Call to Action for Global Access to and Harmonization of Quality Information of Individual Earth Science Datasets. Data Science Journal. 20. 2021
- Klimawandelbedingte Änderungen in Atmosphäre und Hydrosphäre: Schlussbericht des Schwerpunktthemas Szenarienbildung (SP-101) im Themenfeld 1 des BMVI-Expertennetzwerks 2020
- Klimawirkungsanalyse des Bundesverkehrssystems im Kontext Hochwasser: Schlussbericht des Schwerpunktthemas Hochwassergefahren (SP-103) im Themenfeld 1 des BMVI-Expertennetz-werks 2020
- A short guide to increase FAIRness of atmospheric model data. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 29. 2020
- The Baltic and North Seas Climatology (BNSC)—A Comprehensive, Observation-Based Data Product of Atmospheric and Hydrographic Parameters. Frontiers in Earth Science. 7. 2019
- Reproduction of 10m-wind and sea level pressure fields during extreme storms with regional and global atmospheric reanalyses in the North Sea and the Baltic 2018
- Identification of extreme storm surges with high-impact potential along the German North Sea coastline. Ocean Dynamics. 68:1371-1382. 2018
- Categorisation of Meteorological Conditions for Storm Tide Episodes in the German Bight. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 25:447-462. 2016
- Interannual and Multidecadal Changes of Wind Speed and Directions over the North Sea from Climate Model Results. Meteorologische Zeitschrift. 25:463-478. 2016
- Identification of storm surge events over the German Bight from atmospheric reanalysis and climate model data. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. 15:1437-1447. 2015
- Seasonal to decadal forcing of high water level percentiles in the German Bight throughout the last century. Ocean Dynamics. 2013
- Modulation effects along stability border in Taylor–Couette flow. Physics of Fluids. 6:3823-3832. 1994
- Taylor-Couette flow with time modulated inner cylinder velocity. Physics Letters A. 192:74-78. 1994
- BITS - a Use Case for Terminologies in Earth System Science
- BITS - a Use Case for Terminologies in Earth System Science
- Terminologies in Earth System Science - State of the Art and Existing Applications
- Terminologies in Earth System Science - the TIB Terminology Service
blog posting
- Improving (Meta)Data Standards for Atmospheric Models – the AtMoDat Project. Generation R. 2019
- Die Veröffentlichung von Standardisierten Daten aus der Stadtklimaforschung. E-Science-Tage 2021. heiBOOKS. 2022
- Projected Change—Atmosphere. North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment. 149-173. 2016
conference paper
- How to Prepare Atmospheric Model Data for Publication with the ATMODAT Standard 2022
- Warum und wie Sie Klimamodelldaten veröffentlichen sollten 2022
- Why we need to highlight FAIR and Open Data and how to do it with EASYDAB 2022
- A Standard for the FAIR publication of Atmospheric Model Data developed by the AtMoDat Project 2021
- EASYDAB (Earth System Data Branding) for FAIR and Open Data 2021
- AtMoDat: Improving the reusability of ATmospheric MOdel DATa with DataCite DOIs paving the path towards FAIR data 2020
conference poster
- Aufbau eines Terminologie Service für die Erdsystemwissenschaften 2024
- Aufbau eines Terminologie Service für die Erdsystemwissenschaften 2024
- FOSTERING FAIR DATA WITH TERMINOLOGY SERVICES. "International Data Week 2023 - IDW 2023. 2023
- The new Earth System SciencesTerminology Service (ESS TS). Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration Konferenz 2023 . 2023
- First results of a model user survey on a micro-scale model data standard 2020
- The ATMODAT Standard enhances FAIRness of Atmospheric Model data 2020
- Datengrundlagen und Auswerterahmen für die Klimawirkungsanalyse des Verkehrssystems 2018
- BITS: BluePrints for the Integration of Terminology Services in Earth System Sciences
edited book
- E-Science-Tage 2021 2022
- Einführung eines Nachhaltigkeits- und Verstetigungskonzepts für EASYDAB (Earth System Data Branding) an der TIB 2022
- Entwicklung einer Zertifizierung für hochwertige Modelldaten aus der Erdsystemforschung 2022
- Compilation and Examination of the Existing Specialised Semantic Artefacts for the Earth System Sciences
- Qualitative Investigation of the Disappearance of Classes and Individuals with Newer Versions of Terminologie
- Qualitative Investigation of the Disappearance of Classes and Individuals with Newer Versions of Terminologie