Bericht über initialen Kernstandard und Kurationskriterien des AtMoDat Projektes (v2.4) Arbeitspapier/Forschungsbericht uri icon


  • Project: Literature - Literature e.g. grey literature Summary: High-quality results of simulations with atmospheric models are to be published in such a way that they can be used by other scientists for further research. In order to achieve this, the data must be findable, stored in reusable form and described with sufficient metadata. Instructions to fulfil these conditions are the rules of the FAIR principles: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reuseable [Wilkinson et al., 2016]. It is often not clear how these FAIR principles can be implemented in detail. This report provides guidance for the FAIR publication of atmospheric model data in a public repository. It is assumed that the data are published with a DataCite DOI. The report first describes the FAIR principles. In addition to providing DataCite metadata correctly and as completely as possible, the data itself must be stored in an open self-describing format. In the case of the atmospheric model data, netCDF files standardised according to the CF Conventions are recommended. The landing page associated with a DataCite DOI must contain a detailed description of the data. It should consist of a human- and a machine-readable part. To enable search engines to harvest metadata from the individual web pages, the machine-readable part of the landing page should use the dataset markup from or an equivalent structure in the DCAT format of the W3C.


  • Ganske, Anette
  • Kraft, Angelina
  • Neumann, Daniel
  • Lammert, Andrea
  • Hoeck, Heinke
  • Thiemann, Hannes
  • Voss, Vivien
  • Grawe, David
  • Leitl, Bernd
  • Schlünzen, K. Heinke
  • Quaas, Johannes

publication date

  • 2020