Dataset RDF
pages:- Questionnaire and Dataset of the TIB Survey 2017 on Conference Recordings
- Reports FlexFunds 2023
- Reproducibility use cases from ORKG
- Results of the evaluation about the expert interviews regarding the benefits of a digital procurement workspace.
- Ropensci/Codemetar: Codemetar: : Generate 'Codemeta' Metadata For R Packages
- Ropensci/Rdflib: Rdflib: Tools To Manipulate And Query Semantic Data
- Ropensci/Refmanager: Refmanager V1.0.0
- Sabishka10101/UA_Academic_Events: UA-Academic-Events
- SciQA benchmark: Dataset and RDF dump
- SciQA benchmark: Dataset and RDF dump
- Sckott/Serrano: Serrano V0.5.0
- STEM-ECR-v1.0
- Supplementary Material for Evaluating ScreenTracer among Testers
- Supplementary Materials of the Tutorial: "Promotion of Open Science in Requirements Engineering - Leveraging the Open Research Knowledge Graph for FAIR Scientific Information"
- Survey Data Set Part 1 - Attitudes Towards Videos as a Documentation Option for Communication in Requirements Engineering
- Survey Data Set Part 2 - Attitudes Towards Videos as a Documentation Option for Communication in Requirements Engineering
- Survey on Conference Recording Service among the Institutions of the Leibniz Association
- Survey: Open Science in Higher Education
- Synthetic PDF Testset for File Format Validation
- Terminology Metadata Recommendations by TIB
- Text und Data Mining an wissenschaftlichen Repositorien und Publikationsservern in Deutschland - Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse einer Umfrage im Februar und März 2016
- TPDL 2019, ORKG overview resources
- TPDL 2019, DILS 2018 papers, ORKG overview
- Tree map plots of women's share across MSC 2010 classes
- Welche Journaleigenschaften sind für Wissenschaftler*innen bei der Journalauswahl für ihre eigenen Publikationen entscheidend? Ergebnistabellen einer Online-Umfrage
- Zweitveröffentlichungsaktion zur Open-Access-Week 2020