Chapter RDF
pages:- Welcome to the Fifth International Workshop on Learning from Other Disciplines for Requirements Engineering (D4RE‘21)
- Welcome to the Seventh International Workshop on Crowd-Based Requirements Engineering (CrowdRE'23)
- Welcome to the Sixth International Workshop on Crowd-Based Requirements Engineering (CrowdRE’22)
- What Are the Parameters that Affect the Construction of a Knowledge Graph?
- Wikidata and Wikibase as complementary research data management services for cultural heritage data
- Working with Focus Groups as a Part of a Post-occupancy Evaluation (POE) at the German National Library of Science and Technology/University Library Hannover (TIB/UB).
- X-Vent: ICU Ventilation with Explainable Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
- XEL Group Learning – A Socio-technical Framework for Self-regulated Learning
- Zeichnerischer Nachlass Carl Luckow (Katalog-Nr. J03)
- Zero-Shot Entailment of Leaderboards for Empirical AI Research
- “Is This an Example Image?” – Predicting the Relative Abstractness Level of Image and Text
- Human Resources Management, Internationalization and Academic Staff Mobility
- Linked Data on the Web and its Relationship with Distributed Ledgers (LDOW/LDDL)
- Placing human values at the core of socio-technical systems development: a project case study
- SALMM'19: First International Workshop on Search as Learning with Multimedia Information
- Synthesizing Knowledge Graphs from Web Sources with the MINTE+ Framework
- When humans and machines collaborate: cross-lingual label editing in wikidata