KGI4NFDI - Knowledge Graph Infrastructure for the German National Research Data Infrastructure
Research Proposal
- Project proposal for the Base4NFDI service KGI4NFDI initialisation phase. Summary: Knowledge graphs (KG) are an important and powerful tool for achieving interoperability in the research domain and fulfilling the NFDI’s mission. While several consortia are already building their own KG solutions, what is currently missing is a central and reusable KG infrastructure (KGI). The proposed base service will provide key components of such a KGI. These will include a KG registry, which will aggregate information on all KGs contributed by NFDI consortia and by the research communities they represent, as well as a service to facilitate access to KGs across NFDI projects. Furthermore, the base service aims to empower research communities to create KGs by providing the necessary technologies and expertise for decentralised KG instances based on standards and tried-and-tested approaches. To refine and optimise these services, a comprehensive survey will be conducted. Documentation on the efficient creation of KGs will be compiled, and the base service will also offer dedicated consulting services to consortia and facilitate harmonisation of ontologies across different consortia. Overall, this integrated approach will seek to enhance data integration and foster standardised ontological practices. It will make a significant contribution to advancing the “One NFDI” vision and will support the FAIRification of data across disciplines. The base service will complement international KG initiatives, such as those promoted by the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
publication date
- July 28, 2024