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Heller, Lambert



  • Lambert Heller started TIB's Open Science Lab in 2013.

    You can follow Lambert's daily updates on Open Science and other topics here: https://openbiblio.social/@Lambo.

    Lambert is a communicator on all things open research data and scholarly information infrastructure, being sometimes published on Tagesspiegel, NZZ, Jungle World etc: https://news.google.com/search?q=%22Lambert%20Heller%22, frequently invited to podcasts: https://fyyd.de/search?search=%22Lambert+Heller%22, and frequently giving workshops at re:publica and the like.

    Lambert serves as a reviewer for Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), VolkswagenStiftung and several peer-reviewed journals. He's on the editorial board of the Medien in der Wissenschaft book series (https://www.gmw-online.de/publikationen/editorial-board/), he is an advisor to the ISCC foundation (https://iscc.foundation/board/) and others.

    Digital collective memory of the Holocaust: Lambert initiated several grant-funded projects exploring wiki-based citizen science in memorial culture, like Places of Gestapo Terror (https://www.buergerschaffenwissen.de/projekt/gestapoterrororte-niedersachsen-1933-1945) and WikiRemembrance (https://www.wikiremembrance.de/).

    Creator and advisor of barcamps and hackathons: Lambert co-created the BibCamp event series (2008), the Open Science Barcamp (2015) and the NMC Horizon Report > Library Edition (2014-2017). He consulted the Association of German Librarians (VDB e.V.) leading to the successful "Hands-On Labs" (2017) and "Project Labs" (2018) session format within Bibliothekartag, the largest European librarian conference: https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0290-opus4-141206. He's a major contributor to participatory formats at NFDI4Culture: https://nfdi4culture.de/id/E2419.

    Book Sprints: Lambert initiated several third-party-funded open textbook projects and handbooks projects, of which many have been conducted by him in book sprints. Learn more about NextGen Books, TIB's efforts in computiational publishing, book sprints and more: https://tib.eu/books - Here's a video on how Lambert supports your open textbook project: https://youtu.be/E-jKff6lcvY.

    Before starting the Open Science Lab: A social scientist by education, Lambert fulfilled a Bibliotheksreferendariat (graduate trainee program in academic libraries) 2005-2007 at Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt Universität Berlin. He joined TIB in 2008, serving five years as a subject specialist, before starting the Open Science Lab.

selected publications


full name

  • Lambert Heller

primary email

  • Lambert.Heller@tib.eu

Wikidata ID

  • https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q56070743
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