Event RDF
pages:- Leben und Arbeiten in der Post-Open-Welt - Bibliothek & kollaborative Wissenschaft der Zukunft Presentation
- Lebendige fachspezifische Seiten in Lotse: Beispiel einer bundesweiten Kooperation Presentation
- Leibniz-Gemeinschaft AK Presse am 23. Mai 2013 in Berlin Meeting
- LeibnizOpen: Content Akquise, Herausforderungen und kreative Lösungen Presentation
- Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen (LWDA) Conference
- LIBER 42nd Annual Conference "Research Information Infrastructures and the Future Role of Libraries", 26 - 29 June 2013, Munich, Germany Conference
- LIBER LAG 2014: 17th Seminar of the LIBER Architecture Group, Helsinki, Finland, 6 – 9 May 2014 Workshop
- LIBER Webinar "Citizen Science At Universities: Trends, Guidelines and Recommendations"
- Library information Presentation
- Licensing of scientific audiovisual media in Germany Presentation
- Linked Data an easy entry into service-oriented architectures? Invited Talk
- Linked Data and Open Data on the Web and within Organizations Invited Talk
- Linked Enterprise Data, Volkswagen, Wolfsburg Invited Talk
- Linked Open Data: Panel Discussion
- LinSearch - Effiziente Indizierung an der Technischen Informationsbibliothek, Hannover Presentation
- Literatur und Fachinformation für die LUH und die Region Presentation
- Lizenzangebote richtig bewerten – ein neuer Ansatz für Einkaufsentscheidungen Presentation
- Lizenzierungsentscheidungen und Bestandscontrolling für E-Books Presentation
- Lizenztag der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft Mai 2021 Conference
- Lotsen im Informationsdschungel: Was die TIB als Zentrale Fachbibliothek zur Informationskompetenz in der Physik beiträgt Presentation
- Managing born-digital audiovisual media: a case study of scientific video collection stewardship Presentation
- Mathematische Filme im TIB|AV-Portal Presentation
- Measuring Customer Satisfaction - Over time und in global benchmarks Presentation
- Mediaglobe, 10.05.2012, Berlin
- Meeting TIB/DataCite - DLR - EUMETSAT Meeting
- MEPDaW 2022 : Managing the Evolution and Preservation of the Data Web Conference
- Metadata "made by TIB" Presentation
- Metadata for Scientific Audiovisual Media. Current Practices and Perspectives of the TIB|AV-Portal Presentation
- Metadata of the Video Analysis of the TIB|AV Portal. Automatic Generation, Retrieval and Linked Open Data Presentation
- Mining the Geophysical Research Abstracts Corpus: Mapping the impact of Free and Open Source Software on the EGU Divisions Presentation