Conference Paper RDF
pages:- Optimization of electrowetting electrodes: Analysis of the leakage current characteristics of various dielectric layers
- Optimizing Federated Queries Based on the Physical Design of a Data Lake
- Optimizing SPARQL-to-SQL Rewriting
- Optimizing VIVO: Under the Hood of 1.8.1
- OSGeo Konferenzaufzeichnungen im TIB AV-Portal
- Outliers classification for mining evolutionary community using Support Vector Machine and Logistic Regression on Azure ML
- Overview of Chinese specialist literature in the field of Science and Technology in Germany
- Owlgres: A Scalable OWL Reasoner
- PAnG
- Performance Prediction for Unsupervised Video Indexing
- Persistent conference identifiers in CRIS – first implementations with VIVO and URIS
- Persistent conference identifiers in CRIS – first implementations with VIVO and URIS
- Phase unwrapping of fringe images for dynamic 3D measurements without additional pattern projection
- Presentation and Context in the Net Art Archive: the Interface and Infrastructure of Rhizome’s Artbase
- Presentation and contextualisation in the online archive of internet art
- Preserving the Long Tail in a Big Data World: Frameworks for E-Infrastructuers in Research Libraries
- Proactive Environmental Systems: the Next Generation of Environmental Monitoring
- Proactive Prevention of False-Positive Conflicts in Distributed Ontology Development
- Probing Large Language Models for Scientific Synonyms
- Promotion of Open Science in Requirements Engineering: Leveraging the Open Research Knowledge Graph for FAIR Scientific Information
- Provenance for Internet Art: Using the W3C PROV data model
- Provenance in Systems for Situation Awareness in Environmental Monitoring
- Publishing Statistical Data on the Web
- Puzzling Over Digital Preservation – Identifying Traditional And New Skills Needed For Digital Preservation
- QAestro - Semantic-Based Composition of Question Answering Pipelines
- Quality Assessment of Linked Datasets Using Probabilistic Approximation
- Quality Control of Environmental Measurement Data with Quality Flagging
- Query Rewriting in the Semantic Web7
- Question answering on interlinked data
- Question Answering on Linked Data