publisher of Towards a Versatile Terminology Service for Empowering FAIR Research Data: Enabling Ontology Discovery, Design, Curation, and Utilization Across Scientific Communities. Knowledge Graphs: Semantics, Machine Learning, and Languages. 2023 Education for Information FAIR Connect Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications Information Services & Use Semantic Web Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An International Journal Positioning and Power in Academic Publishing: Players, Agents and Agendas 2016 Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Electronic Publishing 2016 Databases and Information Systems VIII - Selected Papers from the Eleventh International Baltic Conference, DB&IS 2014, 8-11 June 2014, Tallinn, Estonia. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. 2014 ECAI 2014 - 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 18-22 August 2014, Prague, Czech Republic - Including Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems (PAIS 2014). Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. 2014 Finite-state Methods and Natural Language Processing: Post-proceedings of the 7th International Workshop FSMNLP 2008 2009