draft version of https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.858/fig-2
Identification of A. minutissimum capsules (asterisks) by subsequent observation of identical cell clusters in bright-field and scanning electron micrograph. A: 30 days old xenic A. minutissimum biofilm stained with crystal violet (CV). Encapsulated cells are stained strongly, while weak staining indicates lack of EPS on frustule surfaces (scale: 10 µm). B: In the same cell cluster, encapsulated cells (asterisks) are surrounded by an opaque material. Frustule pores and raphe typical for A. minutissimum are only visible on cells that did not possess a capsule in the hydrated biofilm. Note also the tendency of bacteria to colonise capsule material, rather than non-encapsulated frustules (scale: 5 µm).