Keep Your Stakeholders Engaged: Interactive Vision Videos in Requirements Engineering Preprint uri icon


  • One of the most important issues in requirements engineering (RE) is the alignment of stakeholders' mental models. Making sure that all stakeholders share the same vision of a changing system is crucial to the success of any project. Misaligned mental models of stakeholders can lead to conflicting requirements. A promising approach to this problem is the use of video showing a system vision, so-called vision videos, which help stakeholders to disclose, discuss, and align their mental models of the future system. However, videos have the drawback of allowing viewers to adopt a passive role, as has been shown in research on e-learning. In this role, viewers tend to be inactive, unfocused and bored while watching a video. In this paper, we learn and adopt findings from scientific literature in the field of e-learning on how to mitigate this passive role while watching vision videos in requirements engineering. In this way, we developed concepts that incorporate interactive elements into vision videos to help viewers stay focused. These elements include questions that are asked during the video and ways for viewers to decide what happens next in the video. In a preliminary evaluation with twelve participants, we found statistically significant differences when comparing the interactive vision videos with their traditional form. Using an interactive vision videos, viewers are noticeably more engaged and gather more information on the shown system.

publication date

  • 2021