Persistent Identifier Services for the German National Research Data Infrastructure: Proposal for the Integration Phase of Base4NFDI Research Proposal uri icon


  • The project aims to enhance PID integration within NFDI consortia, considering varying provider maturity levels and community adoption. We focus on integrating PIDs throughout the research data lifecycle, using Data Management Plans (DMPs) and Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs) as pilot implementations. Special emphasis is placed on the integration of PIDs for objects for which PID registration is still emerging, such as research instruments, material samples, highly granular data, as well as projects and awards. Our goal is to boost the impact of PIDs by improving metadata quality and interoperability through technical, organisational, and strategic measures. Furthermore, governance guidelines, outreach efforts, and a modular training concept will promote PID awareness and adoption across disciplines. This approach will be prototyped collaboratively with NFDI consortia partners, ensuring broad applicability within the NFDI framework. Interoperability, metadata, governance, training/support, and community engagement components, will together form the ‘PID Coordination Hub’, which will be a central entry point for users of the PID4NFDI service portfolio.

publication date

  • 2024