Custom Scheduling in Kubernetes: A Survey on Common Problems and Solution Approaches Academic Article uri icon


  • Since its release in 2014, Kubernetes has become a popular choice for orchestrating containerized workloads at scale. To determine the most appropriate node to host a given workload, Kubernetes makes use of a scheduler that takes into account a set of hard and soft constraints defined by workload owners and cluster administrators. Despite being highly configurable, the default Kubernetes scheduler cannot fully meet the requirements of emerging applications, such as machine/deep learning workloads and edge computing applications. This has led to different proposals of custom Kubernetes schedulers that focus on addressing the requirements of the aforementioned applications. Since the related literature is growing in this area, we aimed, in this survey, to provide a classification of the related literature based on multiple criteria, including scheduling objectives as well as the types of considered workloads and environments. Additionally, we provide an overview of the main approaches that have been adopted to achieve each objective. Finally, we highlight a set of gaps that could be leveraged by academia or the industry to drive further research and development activities in the area of custom scheduling in Kubernetes.


  • Rejiba, Zeineb
  • Chamanara, Javad

publication date

  • 2023

number of pages

  • 36

start page

  • 1

end page

  • 37


  • 55


  • 7