- Kemele M. Endris is a research assistant at Scientific Data Management group in Joint Lab of TIB, L3S Research Center, & LUH, and a PhD candidate at University of Bonn. Kemele M. Endris hold his M.Sc in Computer Science from the University of Trento, Italy and B.Sc. in Computer Science from University of Gondar, Ethiopia. He was part of the WDAqua project, an EU H2020 training network, on answering queries using the Web of Data. His research interest includes data integration and management, Semantic Web, Big Data, and Knowledge Graph construction from heterogeneous data sources. He has co-organized AMAR 2019 workshop, part of organizing committee of CSCUBS 2016, and reviewer for workshops (MEPDaW, CSCUBS, ..), conferences (DILS, ESWC, SIGMOD/POD), and journals (SWJ, IEEEAccess).